Ploy Chayangam

Ploy Chayangam

Design Director


Great design isn't just about winning prizes; it's about making a difference in people's lives. 

Ploy's previous objectives were to create products that wow users and win international awards. However, she discovers along the road that truly great products should have an impact on people’s lives. Ploy co-founded Disrupt Technology Venture for this purpose: “ Empowering entrepreneurs to make a difference”

With more than ten years of design experience, Ploy plays a variety of roles at Disrupt. As a Design Director, she works on branding, website, and all design materials. Her design approach is centered around the user experience, which she does by first understanding users and their values, then turning that knowledge into designs that address their pains. She uses this approach when working on non-design projects as well. She mentors startups in Stormbreaker's portfolio on UX/UI: helping them focus on obtaining user needs and feedback as well as accompanying them to do user testing. She helps create design materials and shares a ‘user-centric approach to building new innovation’ as a speaker and facilitator in disruptive training programs and workshops.

Prior to co-founding Disrupt, Ploy was a lead designer at Mobilitz Inc., a startup company in Silicon Valley. With a background in product design and little-to-no graphic design experience, she has to reskill herself to be able to stand on par with global apps and games designers. During that experience, she learned how to work in a fast-paced environment with teammates from diverse skill sets. As a result of her hard work, the applications have gained recognition and won several awards. 

Ploy sees herself as a lifelong learner and is not afraid to challenge herself as she sees it as a learning opportunity. As an introvert, she was not a big fan of meeting new people or speaking in public, but she decided to step out of her comfort zone and change that by joining the Toastmaster Club. She strives to improve her public speaking, communication, and leadership skills to better herself all around. Now, she serves as a Vice President of Membership to engage guests to join as members and has been participating in several public speaking contests.

She is also keen to transform herself in the spiritual realm; she has vast meditation and mindfulness experience. She hopes to combine spirituality and design to aid people's mental health. 


UX Certificate from Nielsen Norman Group issued, Feb 2018

Bachelor of Industrial Design (B.ID.) (Second-class honours) Industrial and Product Design, Chulalongkorn University

Mentor & Facilitator
  • Speaker on Leadership & Innovation Program for Future Leaders, PTT
  • Product Mentor, insKru Education Hackathon
  • Customer interview workshop, Minor Group – Dairy Queen Project
  • Design Thinking & Agile workshop, Minor Group – Talent Development Program
Application and Product design

Quipster app

  • Ranked in top 12 in the US App Store in July 2011, featured by Apple in US/Europe in What's Hot and Staff's Favorites 4 times
  • Finalist in Location and Beyond Summit in London, 2011

Heaven's Diner application and Facebook game

  • Top ten most innovative iPhone app in the world in 2010

Baby Car 

  • Spiel Gut (Good Toy), Germany 
  • Oppenheim Toy Porfolio Gold Seal Award, United States

Lacing Sheep

  • iParenting Media Award, USA