Yukie Koyama

Yukie Koyama

BD & Project Manager


Thinking what one good leader can do? Imagine what millions of leaders can do to change the world. 

Yukie spent good 4 years during her college life operating an international voluntary network on leadership and education. Growing up seeing gaps and pain in Thai education and its people, she has been committed to unleashing and promoting a better society through people’s empowerment and leadership. She also enjoys studying and exploring more about learning and development, starting with training and coaching. Yukie is inspired by her coaching class in college to start asking more powerful questions and listening to other people with her heart. 

Prior to joining Disrupt, Yukie was a director of NGO, which is one of the most prominent youth-run organizations in the world called AIESEC.  As a director, her mission is to widen the opportunities for Thai youth and students to make them dare to dream and dare to take action regarding their dreams. She worked with stakeholders such as International Labor Organizations (ILO), Edtech companies, and corporates to scale the impact for Thai youth in developing their skills. More than 7,000 youth has been participating in voluntary and skills enhancement projects during her leadership. Her proudest moment was when others who were impacted by the project came to say that their lives had been changed through these experiences. 

In Disrupt, not only that it creates changes that are innovative for Thai education but also leverages leadership in entrepreneurs and top management, which leads them to see the values of impacts they could make for Thailand. Yukie always looks forward to the meet all the change makers and the transformational leaders who lead the change they want to see in the world!

Besides working, She does enjoy trying something new to explore more what to answer when people ask about her favorite hobby. But recently, it was planting the roses and drinking roses tea.


Bachelor of Business Administration, Thammasat Business School,  Organization, Entrepreneurship, and Human Resource Management (First-class honor, Gold Medal)